What inspired Fusion?

Teamwork is key to Fusion’s strength – and it’s been that way for over 30 years.

There’s an undeniable beauty when individuals get together for a greater, common purpose. Whether it’s creating a plan of action, perfectly executing your strategy, or investing in our company culture – Fusion sees collaboration as a force to be reckoned with.


Dedicated people, unbreakable bonds

You can see these alliances in both our relationships with customers and amongst our internal team, where we consider ourselves a family.

These strong bonds are what set us apart – and we wanted to communicate our difference clearly and succinctly, so that our industry and partners can know what we stand for. The result? Fusion.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

The idea of strength in unity fueled the idea for Fusion. To us, Fusion signifies a melding between our team and the client – our goal is to work so cohesively together that we become a seamless extension of your company.

Fusion also reflects the closeness and strong bonds within our internal team: we won’t feel satisfied unless our employees feel happy, healthy, and fulfilled each day. Investing in culture is a win-win for everyone: an empowered and inspired team leads to quality results for the client. But most of all, we believe that treating our employees with the care they deserve is simply the right thing to do.

Embodying our beliefs

We believe our customers and employees are more powerful together – and we’re using the principles of atomic energy to show it.

In an environment of atomic particles, you’ll find buzzing energy, resilient bonds, and parts working together to form a new whole. Compare these microscopic events to what happens at Fusion: we’re fueled by the energy and connections that people contribute each day.

Our logo illustrates these ideas of atomic energy and shows what Fusion is all about – we’re excited to demonstrate our beliefs in a bold and original way.


Your design + our dedication = ideas brought to life

We’re passionate about our people – and this is what we strive to show through in our products. Our customers and employees will tell you: forming a bond with Fusion is an investment in the success of your company. Let’s help each other win.

Want to know more about partnering with us? Learn what it means to work with Fusion.

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